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WordPress, an open source blogging tool, provides a rich set of features to create attractive blogs or websites. No wonder, it is one of the easiest and the fastest blogging tool to use. This PHP written script is one of the best solutions for those who are interested in an ideal publishing platform. Its Administration Panels provide various options by which you can set the presentation and appearance of your weblog. Administration Panels are also very helpful to create and publish a blog post instantly on the internet. Though, default WordPress admin panel looks okay, but it can be quite uninteresting if we continue using it.

There are many people who are happily using default admin panel as it contains too many brilliant features. But if we can customize it into a classy and stylish look why to continue with a simple one. WordPress development has become a most popular blogging platform due to its powerful features and easy navigation system. If you are the kind of person who loves to experiment with new stuff, you will definitely like to change your WordPress admin panel to a complete new user interface. In this article we will see how to customize a WordPress admin panel.

Hooks and Filters:

In your themes folder, you can find functions.php file which is checked by WordPress before loading the site’s theme. As most of the steps will go in functions.php file and wp-config.php file, so you have to create them in your theme folder if they do not exist. Hooks and Filters are the functions that enable to change the base WordPress appearance without amending WordPress files. If you messed up everything, they will help you to undo the changes and revert back.

Functions.php File:

It is a PHP file used by WordPress at the time of loading the site’s theme. This file is placed in your wordpress directory. To customize your admin panel, first you need to open functions.php from your WordPress installation directory or by using WordPress’ inbuilt editor.

Remove Admin Menu Bar:

WordPress 3.1 has introduced a new admin menu bar which is not required as we already use our dashboard. Well, if you want, you can remove it by putting the following code in functions.php file:

add_filter( ‘show_admin_bar’, ‘__return_false’ );

Disable Auto-Save Feature::

When you are adding a new post or a page in your site and in case web browser crashes or computer shuts down suddenly, auto-save feature will save all the data and you will not lose your work. However, it’s a good feature, but personally slightly affects a website’s performance. So, you can disable it if you want. All you need to do is to insert the following code in Functions.php file:

function no_autosave() { wp_deregister_script(‘autosave’);}

add_action( ‘wp_print_scripts’, ‘no_autosave’ );

Specify the Auto-Save Interval:

Because Auto-Save is a nice feature which helps to carry on our work in case of accidently shuts down or hangs up of the computers, so it is not recommended to disable it. Instead of disabling it, we can specify the time interval by inserting the following code in wp-config.php file:

define(‘AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL’, 300); // 60 * 5, will change auto-save to ‘every 5 minutes’

Above code will save every 300 seconds. You can change the time interval according to your requirements.

Clear Trash Automatically:

When you delete junk files, they will get into trash folder. From this place you can recover your posts if you delete them accidentally. Regularly deleting a trash fills with lots of posts is difficult. Just add this line of code in wp-config.php file to delete your trashed files after a specific interval of time.

define(‘EMPTY_TRASH_DAYS’, 7 ); // Empty trash after every 7 days

Insert New Fields in Profile:

In your profile, there are some unpopular user accounts like AIM, Jabber, etc. which are used by very less people. Instead of these, you can add custom fields like Facebook and Twitter. To do the same, add the following code to wp-config.php:

function new_contactmethods( $contactmethods )

{ $contactmethods[‘twitter’] = ‘Twitter’; // Add Twitter

$contactmethods[‘facebook’] = ‘Facebook’; // Add Facebook

unset($contactmethods[‘yim’]); // Remove Yahoo IM

unset($contactmethods[‘aim’]); // Remove AIM

unset($contactmethods[‘jabber’]); // Remove Jabber, return $contactmethods;}


If you are a not any tech savvy, you can hire a qualified WordPress developer who can guarantee to provide best results possible. These days, lots of WordPress developers offering solutions that are inexpensive, effective and customer centric. Websites or blogs designed by these experts can really make a difference. With the help these professionals, you can easily attract a large number target audiences and obtain your online goals.

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