Split testing is a method of experimenting with a live site to find out which headlines and text are the most effective. Most of the websites use this method to figure out which version of their site convert customers better. It is an extremely powerful strategy for increasing the effectiveness of a web based offer. This post discusses in detail about split testing in WordPress.


Determine the type of experiment


First of all, you need to determine what type of experiment you would like to conduct. In Google’s website optimizer, you have two choices: Multivariate Testing or A/B Testing. Multivariate testing is a good way of testing various things simultaneously. Most of the big online stores use this method to find out which layouts and ad copies work. On the other hand, A/B testing is a way of testing two different types of copies to determine which one works best. It is done by starting two different variations of the same page, sending some traffic to the pages, and finding out which converts best statistically.


Design the flow of experimenting


Now you need to decide which page you would like to test. It is important to ensure that your page has a specific goal which you would like your visitors to accomplish. You can ask the users to click on a free e-book. When they will open their e-mail and confirm the subscription, they will be taken to the goal page.

It is important to note that you should change only one thing at a time. Keep the rest of the page unchanged. This will ensure that the changes lead to improvements. You will have a clear idea about what works for your site and keep improving by changing one thing at a time.


Design the test page


Log in to WordPress and create a new page. Copy and paste the same text from your initial page. Change the headline. Click “Publish,” and ensure that the page is exactly the same except the headline.
You also need to make a note of the URLs for the two test pages. For this, you need to set up the experiment in Google’s website optimizer.


Design the goal page


The goal page remains hidden from the rest of the site. It becomes accessible only after customers sign up for the free e-book.


Install Google website optimizer plug-in


This plug-in allows you to install the special JavaScript code. This code gives user’s one random page at a time, and tests to see whether or not they reach the goal page. It is very easy to install this plug-in. You just need to log in to your admin console, click the plug-in drop down and click add new.
Next you need to set up the optimiser experiment. You need to have a Google account.


Install the optimizer code


Now Google will ask you the code necessary to embed in your page. Open the WordPress control panel and navigate to the first page you made. Check the box to enable Google Website Optimizer, and insert the first (Control Script) and second (Tracking Script) pieces of code Google provided you for your experiment.

Now save your post, and open up your second page. Insert only the second piece of code (the Tracking Script)

Save this one too, and finally, open up your Goal page, and insert the final Conversion script:

Publish this page, and make sure Google is reading the Website Optimizer Code. You are now running your first A/B Test!


Run the experiment and check results


Now your experiment is ready to run and Google will inform you about the result of your experiment. Keep the experiment running for at least 100 conversions


Keep experimenting!


Last but not the least, in order to keep improving your sales, you must keep experimenting.

Considering these points for spilt testing in WordPress would surely prove to be fruitful in delivering the expected results from your WordPress based platform.

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