You poured your heart and soul into your online course. Packed it with valuable knowledge, engaging content, and the promise to transform lives. But no students are enrolling. What went wrong?

There’s a goldmine of potential students out there, but if your marketing strategy is off target, they might not even know your amazing course exists. The truth is many online education providers fall victim to common marketing mistakes that leave their courses gathering dust. 

Sound familiar? 

If you’re wondering where things might go wrong, you’ve come to the right place. 

We’re discussing the 5 common online education marketing mistakes that could sabotage your enrollment numbers and showing you exactly how to fix them. 

Let’s get those students signing up!

#1 Neglecting Your Ideal Student Persona

Okay, let’s talk about a common Online Education Marketing Mistake that many educators and course creators make: trying to appeal to everyone. It’s like trying to throw a party and inviting everyone from your grandma to your best friend – you end up with a confusing mix that doesn’t satisfy anyone.

Neglecting Your Ideal Student Persona

The Problem – Generic Marketing

When you create generic marketing materials, you’re not really speaking to anyone. It’s like shouting into the void, hoping someone will hear you. 

The truth is, you need to be specific. You need to target the people most likely to be interested in what you offer.

The Solution – Know Your Ideal Student

Think about your ideal student. What are their goals? What are their challenges? What are their interests?

For example, let’s say you offer online courses on digital marketing. Your ideal student might be a small business owner who wants to learn how to reach more customers online. They might be struggling with social media marketing or email marketing. They might be looking for affordable, flexible learning options.

Once you know your ideal student, you can tailor your marketing materials to speak directly to them.

Tips for creating your ideal student persona –

  • Research: Dive deep into your audience. What are their demographics? What are they searching for online?
  • Get Personal: Give your ideal student a name, age, job, and hobbies. This will help you personalize your marketing messages.
  • Emphasize the Benefits: Highlight how your program can help your ideal student achieve their goals.

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#2 Lack of Content Marketing Strategy

Let’s be real, you can’t just rely on ads to get people to sign up for your online courses. It’s like putting up a billboard but not telling anyone what’s actually on it! It’s time to ditch the old-school approach and embrace the power of content marketing.

Lack of Content Marketing Strategy

The Problem – Ads Alone Don’t Cut It

Many educators and online course providers think they can just throw some ads online and watch the students flood in. It’s like expecting people to buy a product without knowing anything about it. 

A recent study revealed that 90% of potential students are more likely to choose a course after reading reviews and engaging with educational content.

The Solution – Content Marketing is Your Secret Weapon

Think of content marketing for your education institute as building trust and authority. It’s about creating valuable, informative, engaging content that helps your audience understand your expertise.

Here’s how you can create a winning content marketing strategy:

  • Blog Posts: Share insights, tips, and advice related to your course topics. Think of it as offering “free samples” of your knowledge.
  • Videos: Create tutorials, demos, or interviews with experts in your field. Remember, people love to learn by watching!

online cources examples

  • Infographics: Visualize complex information in a way that’s easy to understand.
  • Social Media Posts: Share engaging content that sparks discussion and builds your community.
  • Free Resources: Offer free guides, ebooks, or short courses to attract potential students.

Example: Let’s say you teach online marketing courses. You could create blog posts about common digital marketing mistakes to avoid, video tutorials on setting up Google Ads campaigns, or infographics on the latest SEO trends.

NOTE: Content marketing isn’t just about promoting your courses – it’s about building trust and showcasing your expertise. When you consistently create valuable content, people will see you as a leader in your field, and they’ll be more likely to sign up for your online courses.

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#3 Inconsistent Branding & Messaging

Suppose you’re walking down the street and see a billboard for a “Mastering Digital Marketing” course. It looks slick and professional. But then you hop online and find the course website. It looks completely different, maybe even a bit unprofessional. 

Now, imagine you see a social media ad for the same course, but this time, it’s promoting a different style and message. Confused? You bet! This is the problem with inconsistent branding and messaging.

Inconsistent Branding & MessagingThe Problem – Scattered Identity

A scattered online presence can be a major online education marketing mistake. It’s like having multiple personalities – it can make you look unprofessional and untrustworthy.

Think about it this way: A recent study found that 70% of potential students are more likely to enroll in a course if the branding and messaging are consistent across all platforms.

Also read: The A-Z of Digital Marketing

The Solution – Create a Cohesive Brand Identity

A cohesive brand identity is a strong foundation for your online education business. It’s about having a consistent look, feel, and message across all your platforms.

  • Logo and Visuals: Choose a logo and a color palette that reflects your brand’s personality. Make sure they’re used consistently on your website, social media, marketing materials, and even course materials.

Consider the example below of UpGrad’s logo and branding.

Logo and Visuals

  • Voice and Tone: Develop a clear voice representing your brand. Are you friendly and approachable? Professional and informative? Whatever your brand voice is, make sure it’s consistent across all your communication.
  • Key Messaging: Identify your core message and values. What makes your online education program unique? What benefits do your students receive? Make sure these core messages are clear and consistent in all your marketing materials.

Example: Let’s say you offer online photography courses. Your branding could be visually appealing, using bold colors and images of photography equipment. Your tone could be passionate and inspiring, emphasizing creativity and the joy of capturing moments. 

You could use consistent hashtags across your social media platforms and a consistent call to action like “Enroll Today” or “Learn More.”

Also read: How to Increase Student Enrollment with Digital Marketing?

#4 Ignoring the Power of Social Media Engagement

You can’t just post a few ads and expect people to flock to your online courses. Social media is not a billboard; it’s a vibrant community. And you need to be part of the conversation.

Ignoring the Power of Social Media Engagement

The Problem – The Silent Treatment

Many educators and online course providers treat their social media accounts like a static billboard. They post about their courses and then wait for the students to knock. But that’s like shouting into a crowded room and hoping someone will hear you. 

You need to engage with your audience.

The Solution – Embrace the Community

Think of social media as a space to connect with your audience, share your expertise, and build relationships. It’s where you can answer questions, offer advice, and show that you’re a real person behind the courses.

Here’s how to make social media work for you:

  • Share Valuable Content: Don’t just promote your courses. Share relevant articles, tips, and resources that help your audience learn and grow.

Share Valuable Content

  • Answer Questions: Respond to comments and questions on your posts. This shows you care about your audience and builds trust.
  • Run Contests and Giveaways: A little fun goes a long way. Host engaging contests and giveaways to build excitement and buzz around your courses.
  • Go Live: Connect with your audience through live video sessions. This is a great way to answer questions, demonstrate your expertise, and build a personal connection.
  • Join Groups and Engage with Other Educators: Find relevant social media groups for online educators and participate in conversations. This is a great way to learn from others and build your network.

Example: Let’s say you teach online writing courses. You could share tips on improving writing skills, answer questions about grammar and punctuation, or even host a live Q&A session on common writing mistakes. 

You’ll build a loyal following and attract more students to your courses by actively engaging with your audience.

#5 Limited Marketing Channels & Strategies

You’ve got a fantastic online course, right? 

You’re sharing it on social media; maybe you even have a website. But are you reaching everyone who could benefit from your expertise? If you’re only relying on one or two marketing channels, chances are you’re missing a huge opportunity.

Limited Marketing Channels & StrategiesThe Problem – The Single Channel Trap

It’s tempting to pick one platform, like Facebook or Instagram, and go all in. But think about it this way: Let’s say you’re trying to advertise a new restaurant. Would you only put flyers on one street corner? 

No, you’d want to reach as many people as possible, right?

The same goes for online education. Relying solely on social media might work for a while but can limit your reach. You might miss out on potential students hanging out on other platforms or searching online for information.

The Solution – A Multi-Pronged Approach

Instead of putting all your eggs in one basket, think about using a variety of channels to reach your target audience. This helps you connect with more people, increase brand awareness, and ultimately, enroll more students in your courses.

Here’s how you can diversify your efforts:

  • Content Marketing: Create a blog, share videos, and write articles that offer valuable information about your course topics. This helps you build authority and attract potential students.
  • Email Marketing: Build an email list and send newsletters to your audience. Share updates about your courses, promotions, and helpful resources.
  • Paid Advertising: Platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads let you target specific groups based on their interests, demographics, and location.

Paid Advertising

  • Partnerships: To reach a wider audience, collaborate with other educators, influencers, or educational platforms. Consider cross-promotion or joint webinars.
  • Guest Blogging: Write guest posts for other blogs and websites related to your niche. This helps you reach a new audience and build your reputation.

Example: Let’s say you teach online photography courses. You could:

  • Create a blog post about beginner photography tips and share it on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.
  • Run a paid advertising campaign on Google Ads targeting people who search for photography tutorials.
  • Partner with a photography equipment retailer to offer discounts to customers who enroll in your courses.

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So there you have it! By avoiding these common online education marketing mistakes, you can put your courses in front of the right audience and watch your enrollments soar. 

Remember, the key lies in understanding your ideal student and crafting targeted messages that resonate with their needs and goals.

Digital marketing in education sector constantly evolves, and staying ahead of the curve can feel overwhelming. But you don’t have to go it alone! If you seek expert help creating a winning digital marketing strategy for your online courses, consider partnering with a digital marketing agency like PixelCrayons. 

Their team of specialists can help you develop a data-driven approach to reach your target audience, optimize your marketing campaigns, and ultimately achieve your enrollment goals.

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