A Guide to Navigate Revenue Challenges

In today’s digital world, there are over 1.5 billion websites. This means competition is fierce regardless of your niche. However, competition isn’t the sole reason for a website’s lack of revenue. Various factors can significantly impact sales and traffic numbers.

Your Website isn’t Responsive

visit websites

Do you know that over half of Internet users now visit websites through mobile phones and tablets?

This shows a significant change in how people use the Internet. They prefer using smaller devices like smartphones instead of bigger ones like laptops.

That’s why having a responsive design for your website is important. It means your website looks good and works well no matter what device someone is using to visit it.

Having a responsive design can help you make money from your website.

Why does an unresponsive website cost you money?

An unresponsive design can lead to losses for your website because:

Mobile-first index

Did you know? Google is the biggest search engine globally, covering over 75% of all searches.

This crucial fact determines that Google prioritizes mobile-friendly websites when it crawls and indexes content.

If your website isn’t responsive, Google takes note. A responsive design is vital for a good user experience, and sites lacking it often rank lower in search results.

Lower rankings mean less traffic because most users don’t go beyond the first search page.

User experience

Creating a website that offers a great user experience is super important to generate money online. If your website doesn’t give visitors a good time, they might leave without buying anything.

This results in generating less revenue for your website. Nowadays, many people buy things using their phones, so your website must also work well on mobile.

You might lose customers and money to other businesses if it doesn’t. So, having a responsive website is key to making money from a website and staying ahead of the competition.

How to fix an unresponsive website?

A responsive website design or redesign is the answer to an unresponsive website. 

Typically, a responsive design may cost about $3000. However, the final cost can change based on several elements like your website’s size, content management system, and other features. 

Despite the initial investment, your website must generate money online, making this expense worthwhile with a significant return on investment (ROI). This means you will have better probability to improve website revenue.

PixelCrayons can help you build a responsive website that meets your specific needs and gets you more business. Contact Us today.

Your Website isn’t Fast Enough

Website fast

Today, people want websites to load quickly, preferably in just two seconds.

This speed is crucial because improving your site’s loading time by even one second can increase conversions by seven percent.

This increase in conversions means your company can make money with a website.

It’s essential to regularly check your website’s speed to ensure it’s not costing your business potential revenue.

If your website is slow, it needs immediate attention.

Let’s explore why a slow website can impact your ability to generate money online and discover ways to fix it promptly.

Why does a slow website cost your business money?

In any field, having a speedy website is crucial for success.

Whether your audience is business professionals in manufacturing or tech enthusiasts, a quick-loading site is key to grabbing and keeping their attention, ultimately leading to more revenue from your website.

Recent research indicates that modern users are less patient with slow websites. Websites that load within five seconds see a significant 35 percent decrease in bounce rate.

This rate measures how many users leave a website after viewing just one page, showing how engaging your site is and its potential for making websites for money.

A high bounce rate on your website means that many visitors leave quickly, which can hurt your traffic and the money you make.

Search engines might rank your site lower when people leave your website fast.

When your site is lower in search results, fewer people see it, which can reduce your online sales, leads, and other important things.

So, keeping visitors interested and engaged on your site is essential to improve website revenue, rankings and overall success.

Depending on your website, improving its speed can be a quick solution. For instance, reducing the number of videos on a page can significantly enhance its speed, leading to a better user experience.

Website slow

Moreover, compressing images is another effective way to speed up your website’s loading time.

However, more complex issues may require the assistance of a highly skilled developer, especially when it comes to making money with a website.

  • Reduce the total number of redirects on your website
  • Optimize your website’s HTML code
  • Minimize your JavaScript and CSS
  • Review the hosting option

Moreover, you can also invest in top page speed optimization services. These professional services will take care of the entire process from start to end.

Your Website Isn’t Optimized?

optimized website

In this rapidly evolving world of eCommerce, people often use search engines like Google and Bing when they want to buy something.

According to researchers, 80% of regular shoppers and 71% of business buyers begin their search for products on these platforms.

You may lose many potential customers and revenue if your website isn’t optimized for search engines and user experience.

Three of every four businesses are investing in SEO, and there’s a good reason. SEO is vital in revolutionizing your website into a powerful tool to attract leads and drive revenue by boosting its presence in relevant search results.

It’s crucial to ensure your potential users can easily locate your products and services.

Instead, they visit your competitors’ websites because those businesses ensure their websites are optimized for search engines.

If you are facing such difficulties, consider contacting PixelCrayons for top-notch SEO strategies. Their website experienced a remarkable 43% increase in organic traffic year over year.

Even more impressive is that their year-over-year organic contact form submissions surged by over 70%.

Given the significant impact SEO can have on your company’s revenue, it’s essential not to overlook the importance of optimizing your website for search engines to make money from your website.

How to Fix an Unoptimized Website?

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Improving your website’s SEO isn’t something that happens quickly. It’s a continuous process, so your business must stick to it and include it in your plans.

Even if you hire SEO services, optimizing your site and earning money from it will take time. Businesses already using SEO should think about getting a professional SEO audit.

With an SEO audit, you can get outside perspectives on your strategy.

If you’re ready to optimize your site for SEO and make money from your website, you’ll need to do the following:

  • Research keywords that relate to your audience, industry, and services.
  • Optimize your website’s content with those keywords.
  • Create new content on a regular basis.
  • Improvise title tags and meta descriptions for both users and search engines.
  • Collaborate with influencers in your industry through social media.

Considering your business size and team capacity, managing SEO can be time-consuming. If time constraints are a concern, the right outsourcing partner and choosing a monthly SEO package can be beneficial.

Choosing monthly services over one-time SEO efforts lets you enjoy all the advantages of SEO without worrying about spending too much time or resources on it.

Start Earning Money from your Site with PixelCrayons

Your website is like a treasure chest for your business. Sadly, many companies don’t realize its potential in bringing user engagement and website profits, and leads.

This is where we step in to help. With the strategies outlined above, we can transform your website into a money-making machine. Alternatively, you can reach out to our experienced team for expert guidance.

We offer a range of services to boost your website’s earning capabilities and drive substantial growth for your business while ensuring an attractive web presence.

Client Success Stories

We are pleased to serve our clients and take great pride in delivering quality services that exceed their expectations. Here is what some of them have to say about us: