The Numbers Speak: Our Success Story

A glimpse into our experience, clientele, and performance metrics.




Satisfaction Score

  • 30% MoM traffic growth
  • 25% (avg) reduced bounce rate
  • 18% reduction in CPA
  • 74% growth in conversion rates

Who do We Serve?

Our data-driven digital marketing strategies are designed to help tourism and hospitality businesses of all stripes thrive in this dynamic environment.


Hotels & Resorts

Showcase your unique amenities, highlight personalized guest experiences, and target local and international travelers through strategic SEO for hospitality industry.


Amplify the allure of your region, cultivate a compelling online narrative, and connect with potential visitors through engaging social media campaigns and influencer marketing initiatives.

Vacation Rentals

Increase bookings and maximize occupancy rates by leveraging targeted online advertising platforms, showcasing high-quality visuals of your properties, and implementing user-friendly online booking systems.


Educate and engage a global audience, generate excitement for upcoming exhibits, and drive ticket sales through captivating content marketing and interactive online experiences.

Boost Bookings with Targeted Marketing

Drive more bookings and reservations with our targeted marketing campaigns designed to reach your ideal audience effectively.


PixelCrayons: Leaders in Tourism & Hospitality Digital Marketing

Experience top-tier digital marketing services tailored for the travel and hospitality industries.

Our team, consisting of India’s top talent in digital marketing, includes experienced consultants, analysts, and marketers dedicated to delivering high-quality, result-oriented solutions.

  • Trusted digital marketing specialists
  • Comprehensive coverage for travel businesss
  • Customized strategies for optimal success
  • Timely results with transparent communication
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Awards & Certifications -

Redefine Your Online Presence

Experience next-level digital marketing and transformation services to unleash your online potential.

4,200+ Projects Launched projects executed successfully
19+ Years Experience Years Of Experience in this feild
2500+ Satisfied
Total No. of Satisfied Customers

Digital Marketing for Success in Tourism & Hospitality

The travel and hospitality industry thrives on creating unforgettable experiences. But in today’s digital age, attracting guests also requires a captivating online presence. We have curated some insights and suggestions to help your tourism or hospitality business flourish online.

Difference Between Digital & Traditional Marketing

Traditional marketing relies on offline channels like television, print ads, and billboards. While still relevant for brand awareness, digital marketing services for travel & hospitality industry leverage online channels like websites, social media, and search engines. This allows for several key advantages:

Feature Traditional Marketing Digital Marketing
Channels TV, Print Ads, Billboards Websites, Social Media, Search Engines
Reach Broad audience, may not be ideal travelers Targeted demographics, interests, past travel behavior
Measurement Limited data, difficult to track effectiveness Real-time insights, track website traffic, user behavior, social media engagement
Engagement One-way communication Two-way conversations, answer questions, build relationships
Benefits Brand awareness Targeted reach, measurable results, interactive engagement

Why Tourism Business Needs Digital Marketing?

The travel industry thrives on speed and reaching the right people. Here’s how digital marketing gives your tourism or hospitality business a jet-fueled advantage:


  • Global Reach in a Flash: Launch captivating campaigns instantly to a worldwide audience.
  • Real-Time Tweaks: Need to adjust prices or promote a last-minute deal? Zip it online instantly!


  • Save Big Bucks: Compared to TV ads, digital marketing lets you reach more people for way less.
  • Free & Flexible Options: Many tools let you test the waters for free, and you only pay for what you use.


  • Laser-Focused Reach: Go beyond borders! Target travelers based on their interests and dream destinations.
  • Luxury Caribbean Resort? Find social media users craving tropical getaways and luxury experiences.


  • Website Traffic Spy: Uncover where visitors come from, what grabs their attention, and where bookings stall.
  • Social Media Savvy: See what posts resonate with who your audience is, and tailor your content for success.

By using these digital marketing superpowers, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of your ideal travelers, optimize your online presence, and watch more bookings roll in!

Getting Started with Digital Marketing

Taking the first step towards digital marketing doesn’t require a huge investment. Here are some easy-to-implement strategies to get you started:

Craft Compelling Digital Presentations: In the travel industry, high-quality visuals are key to capturing attention and sparking wanderlust. Invest in professional photography and videography that showcases your properties, destinations, or tours in their best light.

SMO services for travel industry can use these visuals across your website and social media platforms.

Develop a User-Friendly Mobile App: Today’s travelers are getting more reliant on mobile devices throughout their journey. A user-friendly mobile app can significantly enhance the guest experience and boost engagement.

Features like easy booking, itinerary management, local recommendations, and loyalty programs can incentivize downloads and keep guests connected with your brand throughout their trip.

Leverage SMO Services for Travel Industry: Social media platforms provide a powerful tool to connect with potential guests on a more personal level and showcase the unique aspects of your offerings. Here are some key strategies:

  • Post engaging content like high-quality photos, travel tips, cultural experiences, and more
  • Run travel contests & giveaways to generate excitement and encourage engagement.
  • Respond to comments & on your social media platforms.

Offer Exclusive Deals Through Email Marketing: Build an email list and send targeted email campaigns to nurture leads and convert potential guests into paying customers. Here are some email marketing strategies to consider:

  • Segment Your Audience: Divide your email list into segments based on demographics, interests, and past travel behavior. This allows you to send more personalized and relevant emails that resonate with each audience segment.
  • Offer Exclusive Deals and Promotions: Incentivize bookings with exclusive discounts, special offers, and last-minute deals
  • Showcase New Packages and Experiences: Highlight new offerings and travel packages through engaging email content.

Why Travel & Hospitality Companies Need PPC?

In today’s competitive travel landscape, attracting new guests requires a multi-pronged approach. While SEO services for travel industry is essential for organic traffic, PPC services for tour and travel companies offer a powerful tool to generate immediate results and reach a highly targeted audience. Here’s how PPC advertising can benefit your travel business:

Get Immediate Results: Unlike SEO for hospitality industry, which takes time to show results, PPC campaigns can deliver targeted traffic to your website almost instantly. This allows online lead generation for travel companies, especially during peak travel seasons or for last-minute promotions.

Control Your Budget: With PPC advertising, you set a daily or overall budget for your campaigns and only pay when someone clicks on your ad. This allows you to manage your marketing spend effectively and adjust your budget as needed.

Control Your Campaign: PPC platforms offer a high degree of control over your advertising campaigns. You can target specific demographics, interests, locations, and even keywords to ensure your ads reach the most relevant audience for your offerings.

Drive Valuable Leads: PPC campaigns boost online lead generation for travel companies from travelers actively searching for travel-related services. By targeting relevant keywords and user intent, you can attract potential guests who are already in the decision-making stage of their travel planning, increasing the likelihood of conversions and bookings.

Build Brand Awareness: Even if users don’t click on your ad right away, seeing your brand displayed prominently in search results can increase brand awareness and recognition. Over time, this repeated exposure can build trust and position your business at the top of mind when potential travelers are ready to book their next trip.

It’s important to note that effective PPC campaigns require ongoing management and optimization.

Consider partnering with a digital marketing agency experienced in PPC services for tour and travel companies to ensure your campaigns are well-structured, targeted effectively, and deliver a positive return on investment (ROI).

Don’t know how to find the best PPC company? Here is our comprehensive guide for you.

Why Travel & Hospitality Business Needs Social Media Marketing?

Best Social Media Practices for the Travel Industry

By implementing the best practices and partnering with experienced SMO services for travel industry provider, you can leverage the power of social media to

  • Connect with potential guests on a deeper level
  • Build a thriving online community
  • Drive bookings for your tourism or hospitality business

Here are some best practices for leveraging SMO services for travel industry to maximize your social media presence:

Post Engaging Content: Don’t just bombard users with promotional messages. Share a variety of engaging content that captures attention, inspires wanderlust, and showcases the unique aspects of your offerings.

Here are some ideas:

High-quality photos and videos: Visually stunning content is key to capturing attention on social media. Invest in professional photography and videography that showcases your destinations, properties, and guest experiences in their best light.

Travel tips and inspiration: Use SEO tips for travel agencies to position yourself as a travel expert by sharing valuable travel tips, local insights, and cultural experiences.

User-generated content (UGC): Encourage guests to share their experiences at your destination or property by running contests and using relevant hashtags. UGC adds authenticity and social proof to your content.

Run Travel Contests & Giveaways: Generate excitement and encourage engagement with contests and giveaways. Offer prizes like free stays, travel experiences, or merchandise related to your offerings. This is a great way to increase brand awareness and attract new followers.

Respond to Comments & Messages: Promptly respond to comments and messages on your social media platforms. Addressing inquiries, answering questions, and demonstrating excellent customer service fosters trust and builds relationships with potential guests.

Utilize Social Media Stories: Use features like Instagram Stories and Facebook Stories to share behind-the-scenes glimpses, real-time updates, and fleeting moments that capture the essence of your destination or property.

Partner with Travel Influencers: Collaborate with travel influencers who align with your brand and target audience. Influencer marketing can be a powerful way to reach a wider audience and leverage the credibility of established travel bloggers or social media personalities.

Track Your Results: Monitor and analyze your social media performance to see what kind of content resonates most with your audience. Use social media analytics tools to track engagement metrics, identify top-performing content, and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Getting Started with SEO for Tourism & Hospitality Industry

SEO for the hospitality industry optimizes your OTA’s (online travel agency) content to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) for relevant keywords and phrases.

When potential travelers search for destinations, hotels, activities, or tours related to your offerings, a higher ranking in search results increases their chances of finding your business. SEO services for travel industry do the job.

Here are some basic SEO tips for travel agencies to get you started:

Keyword Research: The first step is identifying relevant keywords and phrases that potential travelers might use to search for your services. Utilize keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner to understand search volume and competition for different keywords. Target a mix of high-intent keywords with lower search volume (e.g.”luxury honeymoon resort Maldives”) and broader keywords with higher search volume (e.g., “beach vacation”).

Integrate Keywords Naturally: Once you’ve identified your target keywords, it’s important to integrate them naturally throughout your website content. This includes:

  • Page Titles & Meta Descriptions: Optimize your page titles and meta descriptions with relevant keywords. These are snippets of text that appear in search engine results and play a crucial role in user click-through rates.
  • Website Content: Incorporate your target keywords throughout your website content, including blog posts, landing pages, property descriptions, and activity pages. However, avoid keyword stuffing, which can negatively impact your ranking.
  • Image Alt Text: Don’t forget about image optimization! Include relevant keywords in the alt text descriptions of your images.

Build High-Quality Backlinks: Backlinks are essentially links from other websites to your website. Earning backlinks from reputable travel websites, blogs, and online travel publications (OTAs) signals to search engines that your website is a valuable resource and can improve your website’s authority and ranking in search results. Here are some ways to build backlinks:

  • Guest Blogging: Reach out to relevant travel blogs and websites and offer to write guest blog posts that showcase your expertise and link back to your website.
  • Industry Awards & Recognition: Actively participate in industry awards and contests. Winning awards or receiving recognition can generate backlinks from industry publications and websites.
  • Local Business Listings: Ensure your business is listed on relevant online directories and local business listings with accurate and consistent information. Many of these platforms allow you to include a link to your website.

Create a Digital Marketing Plan with PixelCrayons

Feeling overwhelmed by the digital marketing landscape? Don’t worry, PixelCrayons is here to help! We specialize in digital marketing services for travel & hospitality industry

In today’s digital age, travelers plan their adventures online. That’s why a strong online presence is crucial for attracting guests. But how do you navigate SEO, social media, and content marketing to stand out?

PixelCrayons can be your partner in this journey. We’ll help you craft a data-driven digital marketing plan that showcases your unique offerings and drives bookings.  Why struggle alone? Let our experts handle the digital strategy, so you can focus on creating unforgettable guest experiences. Let’s get started – contact PixelCrayons today!

Frequently Asked Question

Can you help improve my agency's online reputation and reviews?

Yes, our reputation management services can successfully enhance your online presence. We manage reviews and feedback effectively for positive outcomes.

How much do your digital marketing services cost?

Pricing varies based on what you need. We give transparent quotes after understanding your needs.

How long does it take to see results from your digital marketing efforts?

Results vary, but our data-driven approach typically yields noticeable improvements within a few months, helping you achieve your goals faster.

How do you ensure data security for tourism & hospitality clients?

We implement robust security measures to protect your data and comply with industry regulations, ensuring peace of mind.

How do you handle marketing in multiple languages or countries?

Our team has experience with global campaigns, ensuring localized strategies for different regions and languages.


Stand Out in the Competitive Hospitality Market

Rise above the competition and capture your audience’s attention with our innovative digital marketing solutions.

Client Success Stories

We are pleased to serve our clients and take great pride in delivering quality services that exceed their expectations. Here is what some of them have to say about us: